What Are the Different Types of Image Files That Exist Today?

Many people like taking images, clicking them, and saving them on their devices and computers. But as the amount of images grows, users get confused about the different types of files to use when handling them.

Users only have a basic knowledge of the common file types and their definitions. Others don’t even know about the latest additions to the list.

This article will help demystify the world of image files by giving you a simple overview of the types of image files that exist today.

JPEG (or JPG) – Joint Photographic Experts Group

A JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is one of the most popular and widely used types of raster image files. It is an efficient type of file in terms of file size and is easily viewable on most computers and phones.

JPEG file formats are ideal for publishing photos on websites and other digital platforms. They also provide some of the best-looking images available. JPEG files use a “lossy” compression algorithm, meaning that they remove some of the information from the image, which sometimes results in a slightly grainy or blurry image.

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format

It is a bitmap image that allows 8 bits of color and is compressed using a lossless data compression algorithm, meaning all of the original data is retained but at a smaller size.

GIFs tend to be smaller in size than their other bitmap counterparts, making them suitable for web page design and easy to share. They are also the only image file type capable of storing animations, with each one taking up multiple frames. GIFs can also support transparent backgrounds, making them ideal for logos, icons, and images with text.

TIFF – Tagged Image File

This type of image file is a lossless, raster-based image file format. It offers support for advanced features, such as image layers, color profiles, and multi-image files which make it an ideal format for many uses. It can support many types of pictures, including lossy and lossless compression, CMYK, grayscale, RGB, and indexed color formats.

Despite its complexity, most photo-editing applications can edit TIFF computer files. It is a suitable choice for images that require high-quality reproduction, such as photographs.

PDF – Portable Document Format

PDFs can be created for a range of purposes and can be used for both digital and printed documents are easy to use when cropping picutres. They are often used for business documents, invoices, brochures, catalogs, eBooks, and other types of documents. The main advantages of PDFs are that they maintain their original formatting regardless of which device they are being viewed on, they can be easily shared and edited, and they are universally accepted. 

Understanding Types of Image Files

Image files today exist in various types and formats, such as JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG image files, and more, each offering distinct advantages. Understanding the differences and benefits of types of image files can help to make your images more appealing and effective. With the right image file, you can ensure your message will be conveyed successfully. For more information and guidance, contact a professional imaging specialist.