Texas Registered Agent
A Texas registered agent is required by law for all business entities formed in the state. This person or company is your point of contact to receive government and tax documents for your company.
A registered agent must be in the State of Texas during regular business hours, and be available for service of process by a process server. This can be difficult for a small business owner, especially if they have to travel outside of their home or office.
Service of Process
In Texas, a company must appoint a registered agent to accept legal documents and official mail like tax notices. These agents must have a physical address in Texas where they can receive and sign for these important documents.
The registered agent must be available during business hours to accept service of process (legal mail and court documents). Not having a Texas registered agent can lead to significant penalties and state fees.
While a company can serve as its own registered agent, many businesses choose to hire a professional registered agent service instead.
The registered agent must also be a resident of Texas and available at their listed address during standard business hours. This can be a difficult task for individuals who travel or take time off.
Annual Reports
Many states require businesses to file annual reports, which provide updated information about a company. This can include the names and addresses of directors, officers, managers, members, or partners.
These reports also provide states with a way to verify business details and ensure that businesses are in compliance. Some states even enforce penalties for companies that fail to file these annual reports.
Texas is no exception to this rule, and LLCs must file an annual report every year by May 15. Failure to do so can result in late fees and the dissolution of your company.
The filing fee for a Texas LLC is $50. Depending on the type of report and whether your company owes franchise tax, you can send payment online or via mail.
Managing annual reports can be a time-consuming and confusing process, especially for companies with multiple entities or that register in multiple states. Using Harbor Compliance’s Managed Annual Report Service can simplify the process. We can monitor annual report due dates, collect the necessary documents, and submit your report for you.
Tax Notices
Every Texas business entity, including LLCs and corporations, must have a registered agent to receive legal mail and notices from the state. This is a critical role that must be filled by someone who is trustworthy, reliable, and available during business hours.
A Texas registered agent is required by the Business Organizations Code of Texas (BOC). It may be a legal resident, an employee or owner of the business, or any other entity that can legally operate in Texas.
The BOC also requires all Texas filing entities to maintain a registered office, which is a physical address in the state where the registered agent can be served with process by a sheriff or marshal. This address is often the same as the entity’s place of business.
Tax notices are a type of important communication that are sent by the Department to notify you of an account status, new filing frequency, or rate assignment. These documents are normally either informational or require action you can easily resolve and are typically received via standard mail.
Legal Notices
A Texas registered agent receives and files legal notices on behalf of a business or nonprofit. These may include notices of lawsuit, tax notices, annual report notifications, or any other important document that must be filed or served on the company’s behalf.
Whether you are a business or a non-profit, having a Texas registered agent is essential to maintain compliance with the state and avoid penalties like default lawsuits, fines, and other costs. It is also a good idea to choose a registered agent service that has a physical location in the state and is available during normal business hours.
You can be your own registered agent or list a friend, employee, lawyer or a company that you trust as your registered agent. However, if your friend or family member is unavailable for a long period of time and you are not in the area to receive mail, it would be best to hire a professional registered agent service.