Craft beer is brewed by small independent breweries, however, larger commercial breweries have also started producing their own version of craft beer which can be just as good but in some cases can differ.

Traditional big company beers have a standard taste that is bland and can border on watery. They are typically made with low-quality ingredients and focus on consistency and affordability over a unique taste. Visit craft beer shops.


When you taste a craft brew you’re experiencing more than just a beer, you’re tasting the brainchild of dedicated independent brewers. Craft breweries use traditional ingredients in smaller batches and with careful attention to detail. In the world of beer, this results in high-quality beers that are rich in flavor.

Commercial beer is brewed in large breweries with the purpose of creating a product that can be sold on a large scale and to boost profits. They cut costs by using ingredients such as rice and corn that are cheaper to produce than barley.

Craft beer is made with quality ingredients such as yeast, water, hops and malt (typically barley). It’s these ingredients that make a craft beer so much more than just a drink, it’s a tasty treat that tastes good no matter what temperature. These beers never taste watery and offer a variety of different flavors. They are always refreshing and can entice the senses in a way that regular beer cannot.


Unlike the bland, watery taste of most commercial draft beers, craft beer is full of flavor. Many have a variety of different tastes, including fruits and spices.

Because the breweries that make craft beers are independent, they can focus on creating unique flavors and styles of beer. The breweries also tend to use traditional ingredients, rather than cheaper alternatives like corn or rice.

The quality of craft beers has made them a popular choice for beer lovers. In addition, it has been found that drinking beer in moderation can have health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease.

However, the popularity of craft beers has led to some smaller breweries being purchased by larger macrobreweries. While this hasn’t changed the overall quality of the beer, it has made it harder for new breweries to enter the market. As such, it is important to support local breweries so that you can continue to enjoy the high-quality craft beer available today.


Craft beer makers take their time and remain intimate with every step of the brewing process unlike industrial manufacturers who are rushing to make more money. This can be seen in the trends of craft breweries creating a variety of styles and flavors while also experimenting with different methods like barrel aging.

In general, all beer contains four basic raw ingredients and a lot of water. But while water is relatively inexpensive, everything else involved in the brewing process costs real money. Depending on where the brewery is located, shipping costs can also be a significant factor when it comes to pricing. Breweries that sell mainly within a state or tight group of states may not have to worry about these added expenses as much as those that distribute nationwide. This could explain why a six-pack of popular craft beer might cost a bit more than your typical industrial beer. Especially when you add in the markup by the retailer.


Craft breweries focus on using traditional ingredients and smaller batches, which has a lower environmental impact. They also typically use more traditional grains than the low-cost corn or rice used in mass-produced commercial draft beers to reduce the water used and give their beer a stronger flavor profile.

Nevertheless, beer production has an enormous impact on the environment: It takes three to seven barrels of water to make a gallon of beer, and energy is needed to heat it up, keep it cool afterward, and transport it to market. The good news is that sustainable beer is not as expensive as you might think: A recent study found that most beer drinkers are willing to pay more for sustainably produced beer.

Many breweries, such as Double Mountain Brewing in Oregon and Sierra Nevada Brewing in California, use innovative technologies to save energy. For example, Double Mountain uses refillable glass bottles, and Sierra Nevada captures carbon dioxide from the fermentation process. Some breweries even work with local farmers to grow ingredients in order to cut down on transportation emissions.